Our Story

Beeswax began out of a desire to rid people of the sinking feeling that can arise after becoming stuck on social media for too long.

If you have had issues with over use of social media or content platforms you may be familiar with the feeling you get when you give into the temptation of scrolling social media to get away from whatever it is you are trying to avoid.

At beeswax we don’t believe social media is inherently bad, only that the incentives these platforms have are not aligned with the well being of its users because of the platforms’ revenue models.

We wanted to have a way to continue enjoying all of the great content on social media while protecting ourselves from some of the common traps these platforms employ to keep us on for as long as possible.

Traps which some people, including ourselves, have a very difficult time resisting.

Taking a balanced approach

A lot of products exist that will help you partially or completely block your access to the websites, platforms, or apps that you may be struggling with.

At Beeswax, we do not believe the blocking approach works for most cases. Apart from not dealing with the underlying issues, blocking is also often easily bypassed when we get desperate enough to access these platforms.

furthermore, the world we live in today requires that you be connected online and total abstinence does not fit within that reality.

Our approach is to limit the features that we view are predatory towards users and keep the features that are providing real value. All the while checking in on you to make sure you are mindful and feel well.

We don’t block the site, we only block some features, helping you to protect your attention, time, and mental health.

Making a Difference

To sum it all up, we wanted to keep feeling connected, keep enjoying social media without feeling stuck and drained. We made this product for ourselves, but now we hope it can help more people enjoy their time and protect their mental health.

Give Beeswax a try and let us know if it does or does not work for you. We would love to hear about the struggles you may be facing and work together to try and come up with a solution.

We would love to try to help.